Native APIs | Contacts: Settings

To use the Contacts sub-module you must first enable it. Go to Window > Easy Mobile > Settings, select the Native APIs tab, then click the toggle of the CONTACTS section to enable and start configuring the sub-module.

Required Android Permissions

For this sub-module to function on Android, it is necessary to have the following permissions granted.

  • android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS for adding new contacts

  • android.permission.READ_CONTACTS for getting existing contacts

Once you enable this module, these elements will be automatically added into your app's AndroidManifest.xml.

Since Android 6.0 Marshmallow, the runtime permissions were introduced. Therefore on Android 6.0 or newer, you must request the above permissions before accessing Easy Mobile's Contacts API. See Requesting Android Permissions.

Required iOS Info.plist Keys

For this sub-module to function on iOS, the following keys must be added into the Info.plist file of your Xcode project. Failure to do so will cause the app to crash when using the Camera & Gallery API.

  • NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription for picking images from the photo library
  • NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription for saving images into the photo library
  • NSCameraUsageDescription for taking pictures and recording videos
  • NSMicrophoneUsageDescription for sounds when recording videos

When building for iOS, Easy Mobile will automatically add these keys into the Info.plist file of the exported Xcode project. You must provide the string values (usage descriptions) for these keys in the REQUIRED IOS INFO.PLIST KEYS section.

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