Game Services: PlayMaker Actions

The PlayMaker actions of the Game Services module are group in the category Easy Mobile - Game Services in the PlayMaker's Action Browser.

Please refer to the GameServicesDemo_PlayMaker scene in folder Assets/EasyMobile/Demo/PlayMakerDemo/Modules for an example on how these actions can be used.


The PlayMaker actions of the Turn-Based and Real-Time Multiplayer features are grouped in the category Easy Mobile - Multiplayer in the PlayMaker's Action Browser.

Please refer to the following scenes in folder Assets/EasyMobile/Demo/PlayMakerDemo/Modules for an example on how these actions can be used. When trying our multiplayer actions, you should build these scenes only.

  • GameServicesDemo_Multiplayer_PlayMaker

  • GameServicesDemo_Multiplayer_RealtimeKitchenSink_PlayMaker

  • GameServicesDemo_Multiplayer_TurnBasedKitchenSink_PlayMaker

Saved Games

The PlayMaker actions of the Saved Games feature are grouped in the category Easy Mobile - Saved Games in the PlayMaker's Action Browser.

Please refer to the GameServicesDemo_SavedGames_PlayMaker scene in folder Assets/EasyMobile/Demo/PlayMakerDemo/Modules for an example on how these actions can be used.

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