Native APIs | Contacts: Introduction

The Contacts submodule of the Native APIs module allows you to access native mobile contacts APIs to perform basic tasks including fetching, adding or deleting contacts.

Fetching All Contacts

This API allows you to get all the available contacts and their information from the device contacts. It'll run a progress in the background to collect all available contacts in the device and raise an event to return them to Unity when finished.

Adding a Contact

This API allows you to add a new contact into the device, you can also provide various information suck as name, emails, phone numbers, birthday, etc.

Deleting a Contact

This API allows you to delete an existing contact from your device using its reference or its id.

Picking a Contact

This API allows you to open the native Contacts UI to select a specific contact and collect its information. Information of the selected contact will be sent back to Unity after this UI is closed.

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